
2017年7月14日—Amonthago,IstartedplayingwiththedeeplearningframeworkKerasforR.Asause-caseIpickedlogodetectioninimages.,2017年6月20日—WiththereleaseofKerasforR,oneofthekeydeeplearningframeworksisnowavailableatyourRfingertips.Followinguplastyear'spost,I ...,KerasimplementationofRetinaNetobjectdetectiononlogodetection.Forkedon

Deep Learning for Brand Logo Detection

2017年7月14日 — A month ago, I started playing with the deep learning framework Keras for R. As a use-case I picked logo detection in images.

Deep Learning for Brand Logo Detection

2017年6月20日 — With the release of Keras for R, one of the key deep learning frameworks is now available at your R fingertips. Following up last year's post, I ...


Keras implementation of RetinaNet object detection on logo detection. Forked on Original paper is Focal Loss for Dense ...

giovanniguidilogo-detection: One-shot ...

One-shot logo detection with keras. Logo detection in images has many applications, such as in advertisement and social media marketing. Existing methods ...

Object Detection with KerasCV

2023年4月8日 — Object detection introduction. Object detection is the process of identifying, classifying, and localizing objects within a given image.

Object Detection with RetinaNet

2020年5月17日 — RetinaNet uses a feature pyramid network to efficiently detect objects at multiple scales and introduces a new loss, the Focal loss function, to ...

Classifying Logos in Images with Convolutionary ...

2019年8月15日 — As last preprocessing step, for Keras' Convolutional Neural Networks we convert each image to 224 x 224 pixels with the 3 RGB channels red, ...

Logo Recognition System

2023年2月19日 — Logo Recognition System Program written in C# .NET 6.0 Windows Form (,Tensorflow.keras,Emgu Cv,ScottPlot.WinForms,Newtonsoft.

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能

Listary 6.3 強化系統的即時搜尋功能
